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Mindset Change Workshop

The mindset Change workshop was held in Masindi where we invited mathematics teachers from selected intervention schools and educations experts. This workshop was based on the baseline survey findings that showed a negative attitude towards Mathematics by teachers. This negative attitude indirectly affects how learners understand mathematics concepts.


  • Building a positive mindset towards teaching and learning.
  • Attitude change towards preparation for teaching.
  • In depth discussion of preparation for teaching (lesson planning) with focus on learner engaging activities.


  • We learnt that teachers’ attitude affects the outcomes they produce and indirectly affect learners.
  • We saw a reflective change in the teachers at the end of the workshop.
  • Some few teachers still had not picked up on the new lesson planning methods since the new lesson planning methods encourage creativity and positive mindsets towards the subject.
  • A lack of some of the core mathematical principles was seen amongst some teachers.

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