Curriculum Study Workshop
We held another workshop in Masindi District where we invited mathematics teachers from various primary schools in Masindi, we also invited curriculum experts from the National Curriculum development Center and experienced mathematics examiners.
- How the curriculum is built basing on primary school and national education objectives and finally national development objectives.
- Number of subjects accommodated for primary cycle.Defining and differentiating competences and competencies.
- Use of a curriculum in relation to planning and preparing adequately.
- How to interpret the curriculum rightly.Implementing a curriculum.
- Key stake holders involved in implementation of the curriculum.Factors to make effective teaching.
- Question of language to be used and language as a subject.Assessment methods.
- Effective teaching methods and skills.Handling question approach.
We discovered very many facts as we discussed the various aspects of the current curriculum with a special focus of mathematics for primary schools.
- Most effective assessment method is assessment for learning(AFL)/formative/descriptive.
- Teachers are encouraged to assess continually during teaching/learning process.
- A variety of resource materials and text books should be used alongside the curriculum.
- Teachers non reliance on curriculum but rather text books and other published resources sometimes brings confusion on the right approach when teaching mathematics.