10 Jun Rutindo Math plus Culture Project Team Andrew Amara andre@rutindo.com Andrew Amara Project Manager Professor Yusto Kaahwa Physics professor and a Mathematics enthusiast. He has done various contribution to the education system through Makerere University Professor Yusto Kaahwa Project Director Dr Janet Kaahwa Mathematics researcher and Advocate for girl-child education. She is a retired Mathematics teacher Dr Janet Kaahwa Project Director Kahuma Carol Erina carol@rutindo.com Kahuma Carol Erina Curriculum Officer Tumwekwase Joseph joseph@rutindo.com Tumwekwase Joseph Accountant Kumbuka Ronald ronald@rutindo.com Kumbuka Ronald Creative Media Developer Mubaale Peter Kafuko peter@rutindo.com Mubaale Peter Kafuko Monitoring and Evaluation Expert Kikonyogo Faustine faustine@rutindo.com dvdfv dfv dfv df v Kikonyogo Faustine ICT Officer Nyamusana Dorcus dorcus@rutindo.com Nyamusana Dorcus Intern Birungi Harriet harriet@rutindo.com Birungi Harriet Head Mistress