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The information found on this website is provided by Rutindo School. This website and all of the information
Warranty Disclaimer
The information found on this website is provided by Rutindo School. This website and all of the information
Who We Are
Rutindo School has two sections, the nursery (Rutindo Nursery School ) and primary (Rutindo Primary School) sections
Rutindo Primary School
The primary section has classes from one to seven. Various subjects are taught as per the curriculum
Rutindo Nursery and Primary School Pakanyi follows the curriculum that is prepared and reviewed by the National Curriculum Development Center
Rutindo School has a helping hand foundation with an aim of working towards bridging literacy and numeracy education gaps for
Team MembersBirungi HarrietHead TeacherAganyira FlorenceTeacherAyesiga CatherineTeacherKusiima JoyTEACHERAbwooli Brendateacher Nursery SectionMusimbi SamTeacherKabahinda RitahTeacherChombe StephenTeacherKwinomugisa ElizabethTeacherAlinaitwe MargeretTeacher
Many factors have hampered education in Pakanyi area , Pakanyi sub-county, Masindi district. One major factor is poor numeracy and